
JASCO welcomes Dr. Adam Frankel as a Senior Bioacoustician

November 2023 – Dr. Adam Frankel has joined JASCO Applied Sciences (USA) Inc., as a Senior Bioacoustician.

With over 30 years’ experience in underwater acoustics, Dr. Frankel has developed an extensive background in areas such as programming, modelling, data analysis, scientific writing, and applied fieldwork. In addition to a background in marine mammal biology and underwater acoustics, he brings considerable experience in the modelling of marine animals’ movement to realistically estimate their sound exposure as they traverse a region of noise. This specialized knowledge will benefit ongoing work in the application and further development of the ‘JASCO Animal Simulation Model Including Noise Exposure’ (JASMINE) software in support of environmental impact assessments and sound mitigation strategies for energy development projects.

Prior to joining JASCO, Dr. Frankel worked for Marine Acoustics, Inc. where he carried out a wide range of marine mammal research projects focused on numerical estimation of noise impact. He also led marine animal mitigation monitoring efforts and field measurements of a variety of sound sources such as pile driving.

A longtime dedicated conservationist, Dr. Frankel is a co-founder of the Hawai’i Marine Mammal Consortium (HMMC), a non-profit research and education organization. Adam holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology from the College of William and Mary. He earned his master’s degree in Zoology, and doctoral degree at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa.

JASCO is honoured and delighted at having Adam join our outstanding scientific staff. We have collaborated in the past on exciting projects, and with his contribution as a member of our team, we look forward to pushing further the boundaries of our innovation in support of sustainable offshore energy development.
— Roberto Racca, JASCO’s Chief Communications Officer

About JASCO Applied Sciences

JASCO Applied Sciences is a world leader in the science of underwater sound and its effects on marine life. JASCO is Canadian company, founded in Victoria in 1981, with subsidiaries in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Australia. We provide support for all stages of environmental reviews and assessments of underwater sound for the renewable energy, oil and gas, marine construction, shipping, and defence sectors. We design, develop, and manufacture state-of-the-art oceanographic data acquisition systems to meet project demands for quality, endurance, reliability, and performance. We enable our clients to satisfy regulatory requirements by providing scientifically defensible assessments of their projects to government regulators and the public. For more information, visit